Egyptian Drama

To support and stimulate their learning in their ‘Pharaohs’ topic about Ancient Egypt, the key stage 2 children took part in a special drama workshop led by two energetic facilitators from Divergent Drama. During the day, the children worked in a variety of different groups, alongside others from our partner schools in the Jubilee Hub of the Jubilee with Pebblebed Federation, to prepare and perform a range of scenes. They brought to life scenes such as the mummification of a pharaoh, the invasion of Ancient Egypt by the Romans, the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb and even TV news interviews with embalmers – and the dead! In between these activities, the facilitators led the children in a range of energetic games designed to help them develop their knowledge of facts about Ancient Egypt (did you know that the Ancient Egyptians invented toothpaste?) One game involved using actions to recall the domains of certain Egyptian gods. The children had a lot of fun and the teaching staff enjoyed watching how their confidence to perform developed through the course of the day.