Ready Steady Write - Summer Term

Ready Steady Write- The Owl and the Pussycat

For the Summer Term’s special ‘Ready, Steady, Write’ day, the children explored Edward Lear’s famous nonsense rhyme, ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’. Then, the children of Branscombe School all walked down to the local beach to explore the coastline further. While there, the children of Class 2 built on their current learning in their ‘Mountains, Rivers and Coasts’ topic by looking at photographs of a range of different coastal features and comparing these to those they could see at Branscombe. They learned more about how features such as caves, arches and stacks are created by coastal erosion, sequencing pictures and text to show the story of how stacks evolve. Battling against the strong coastal breezes, the children made ‘field sketches’ of the local coastline and considered what the Owl and Pussycat might have seen as they set off to sea in their beautiful pea-green boat. Back at school, the children considered what ‘the land where the Bong-tree grows’ might have looked like and wrote extracts from a travel brochure to entice people to visit this strange, exotic and beautiful land.