School Aims/Ethos

School Aims and Ethos

On this page you will find the whole school Ethos and Mission Statements as well as the school aims that the governors and school staff work towards.


The children have their own aims, which link to our Behaviour Policy. These are called the Branscombe Waves Aims and you will also see below how these link with our Core Christian Value of Love and the other Christian Values that we base our worship programme on.

Our Core Values

Our values are the foundation stones of our behaviour. So from our Christian Values come the Branscombe Waves Aims, which guide us in how we should behave at Branscombe CE Primary School and at home. Our values are an important part of what makes our school a happy and safe place to learn. We learn about one value in more detail each half term during Collective Worship, but we hold onto all the values all the time and express them in different ways in our school, in our learning and in our lives.
The Values for Life that we think about in worship are all based on the central value, LOVE, which is described in Colossians Ch 3, v12-15 as 'binding all the other values together in perfect unity'. 
Collective Worship with the theme of Love and Forgiveness
During our focus on Forgiveness the children created a lasting display for our entrance hall to show God's un-ending LOVE.
The pupils drew a heart on a piece of fabric and inside this printed finger prints representing their sins.
The pupils then washed the fabric and the fingerprints disappeared but the heart remained. This represented God forgiving our sins and his Love shining through.
The dried hearts have been put on display in our entrance hall to remind us of God's Love.
School Gift
The Year 6 class who left the school in the summer of 2006 kindly gave the school a lovely gift that can be used by the children every day.  It is a mural of a boat scene.  It incorporates symbols to indicate our Church School status as well as the children's aims, The Branscombe Waves.  There are also targets on the boat that children can aim bean bags at during playtime and add up their scores to find a winner!