Christingle 2018



In early December, the families of Branscombe CE Primary School celebrated the approach to Christmas alongside some of the parishioners of St. Winifred’s Church at their annual Christingle Service. As part of this service, which was led by the Reverend Prebendary Hilary Dawson, the children presented the Nativity story.


Several children from Key Stage 2 narrated a version of the story that focused on the ‘good news’ and ‘bad news’ in the story, while the congregation listened for these phrases and responded to the words good news by saying “pass it on, pass it on” and to the bad news by saying “oh dear!”. Meanwhile, other Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children from the school took on the parts of Mary, Joseph, an innkeeper, shepherds, wise men and angels and mimed the story, ending with a tableau of the traditional stable scene.


It was a wonderful way to begin the school’s seasonal Christmas celebrations! An offering was collected to support the work of the Children’s Society.